Premature Ejaculation Medicine
There are generally three types of premature ejaculation medicine. Here’s the lowdown on the different kinds of premature ejaculation medicine.
1. Pills. There are tons of “miracle cure” like premature ejaculation pills on the market, which claim to cure the problem completely. Unfortunately many of these remedy’s are junk and usually cost quite a bit of money.
At best, the pill remedy’s may work by way of the placebo effect, where the mind believes it’s receiving premature ejaculation medicine, so the brain sends signals to last longer. Thus the pills don’t do any of the work, only fool your mind into thinking they’re working. This tends to only work temporarily until it’s clear it’s only a placebo action taking place, not a premature ejaculation medicine.
2. Herbal remedy’s. Like the pill’s, there has been heavy promises with herbal type remedy’s as premature ejaculation medicine. Many “natural wonder drug” type claims are being reported. If you read the instructions to many of the herbal premature ejaculation medicines, you will notice they will say you need to take it for 6 months to cure premature ejaculation. Of course each bottle will cost you 70 dollars a pop, and will only last a few weeks.
3. Lotions. Now this type of premature ejaculation medicine actually has some merit. Basically they are numbing creams which desensitizes or numbs your member when you rub it on prior to sexual intimacy. A matter of fact, there is a numbing effect and you do become less sensitive. Of course the downside is you won’t enjoy sexual intimacy as much, since your all numbed up.
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It is very important to enjoy your time in the bedroom with your partner and the best thing about it is that you can make sex for a longer duration. To make sex longer, you need to maintain a longer erection and a better time duration before your ejaculation. People always concentrate on how to make sex longer through maintaining longer erection and forgetting about the longer duration before ejaculation while it is the most important factor in staying longer in the bed.
Premature ejaculation is a longer problem so, if you are trying to find out how to make sex longer then it is time to overcome such problem and learn how to maintain an erection without ejaculating for a long time. In that case, you and your partner will be able to reach climax before you let yourself to ejaculate.
The simplest way to do this is through masturbating before you get into the bed with your partner. It is a very easy solution and most doctors will suggest this as the first line of treatment. If you masturbate a long time before your intercourse, then you will be able to have a longer time in bed with your partner while enjoying a longer sex session. It is also important to increase your foreplay session in order to relive any stress and to concentrate in your sex and intercourse session.
How to make sex longer is directly related to your mode, make sure that you are in a good mode before you get in bed with your partner as this will add a lot to your timing. If you feel that this is happening much frequently with you, then you may want to see a doctor to tell you more about the medications that you can take in order to know how to make sex longer.
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