Impotence / Erectile Dysfunction Causes

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a male sexual dysfunction characterized by the inability to develop or maintain an erection during sexual activity.


Erectile dysfunction affects 10-15% of all men and can be emotionally and psychologically disabling for men and their partners. It is more common in men over 65, but can occur at any age.
In 80% of cases of erectile dysfunction, physical factors such as drugs or abnormalities in blood flow, nerve impulses or hormones are the main causes. Psychological factors account for the remaining cases can be attributed to stress, performance anxiety or inadequate knowledge about sexuality.

Erectile dysfunction can cause emotional stress on the couple. Many times, men will avoid sex because of their emotional pain associated with ED, causing their partner to feel rejected or inadequate. Some couples consider seeking treatment altogether, while in other cases, men prefer to seek treatment without their partner’s knowledge. The loss of erectile capacity can have a profound effect on man. The good news is that ED can usually be treated safely and effectively.

Depending on whether the cause of erection problem is physical or psychological, the urologist may prescribe a change in medication, hormone replacement therapy with antidepressants, devices, or self-injection to promote erections. In some cases, the patient can choose a surgical alternative, such as inserting a penile implant

Herbal Medicine For Erectile Dysfunction 

Erectile Dysfunction Medicine in India
Erectile Dysfunction Medicine in India

IH2 was originally produced as a mixture of natural herbs that allow you to forget about all the fast ejaculation, and earlier discharge during sex –  because it is made from natural components, which requires no prescription or doctor visits like that.

Best ED Treatment in India

IH2 is a revolutionary new solution in the field of herbs and is positioned as premature ejaculation pills more promoted in the world. Once you get to take this thing, it will at least 2-5 times more, and will never leave hot shot in the same way. It will start working during the first week. And usually after passing through during three months, that your problem will be solved forever. Sometimes you have to repeat course of 3 months of therapy.

Rapid ejaculation is the kind of problem that men are not prepared to discuss worldwide, and research says that about 30% of men go “come” during the first three minutes of intercourse. Sometimes men do well after entering the vagina, and sometimes even earlier. This fact is often extremely destructive to trust any man and usually affects relationships in the most negative way. Rapid ejaculation makes men fall into depression and if a woman is unpleased with the sexual life that left one sooner or later anyway.

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