Long Time Sex Medicine in India

What is premature ejaculation?

Causes of Premature Ejaculation or Early Discharge refers to “a premature orgasm with the release of male juices”. Although there is no definite time or definition that could help in the diagnosis of PE, but clinically average man lasts about 5 minutes or more. It is imperative to note that the time to ejaculate vary between males (or even the same male at different points in life), the clinical diagnosis of PE is still usually if the average time to ejaculate is less than 1.5 minutes.


What can you do to improve your chances of conception with premature ejaculation?

Premature Ejaculation Causes Most men tend to overlook premature ejaculation as a problem, while others tend to hide or cover due to embarrassment. In any case, the premature ejaculation is not a disease and may respond to medical treatment significantly. It is recommended to see a professional to assess the true cause of premature ejaculation and infertility or Earlier Discharge During Sex.

Retraining yourself with stop-start technique also helps a lot of males to get over premature ejaculation solved.

Medicine For Premature Ejaculation Treatment

There are a number of over-the-counter products that may also help manage this problem. For example, local anesthetic creams that reduce the sensation during sex and delays ejaculation. However, this technique can affect sensations also female partner thereby affecting the quality of sex, But Nightking Sex Delay Liquid is one best treatment in Early Discharge Problem without affecting your penis sensations.

Long time sex medicine
Long time sex medicine

Stay Long Sex Medicine for Men

To reduce tactile sensitivity of the penis in advance of intercourse as a means of delaying ejaculation in cases of precipitant or over-rapid ejaculation, in case Nightking is the best long time sex medicine.

Stay Long Sex Medicine is odourless and totally herbal tree liquid. Packaged in a Solid Chip delivering a pre-measured metered Solid Chip for controlled application and ease of use with mixing water drops and apply head of penis only one drop.
Apply 4 to 6 water drops to mix small piece of nightking delay Solid Chips 1 minut after get a liquid apply only 1 drop of mixture liquid on penis head only one drop. Leave it 15 minutes and after 15 minutes wash now shop or water. It’s apply only on penis 30 minutes in advance of intercourse. Quanity and advance timing will depend on individual requirments. Use the minimum effective quantity. Do not exceed more than one drop of nightking delay liquid in 24 hours.


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