The best positions to last longer in bed

Everyone wants to last longer in bed, but for some it is fair to say that this task is more difficult than it should be. You see, for a man can often be a problem around premature ejaculation is bringing this intimate moment suddenly and quite conclusive end. However, there are things you can do to help the situation, and one thing is to consider the use of certain positions that will make life much easier.
How Positions can delay ejaculation

First, we should perhaps explain how the different positions can actually delay ejaculation. You need to remember that certain parts of the penis are more sensitive than others. For most men it is the underside of the penis is more sensitive, so it stands to reason that if a position is putting more pressure on that part, then there is a greater likelihood that there is a problem around ejaculation .

However, the opposite is also true that the positions that focus more on top of the penis, or even the side will result in you being able to take control of that feeling and expand its performance considerably. In other words, ignoring the bottom of your penis and you’ll be fine.
Covert Female sex rider position

women on top in sex
women on top in sex

The position of surreptitious female driver is one of the best ways to delay ejaculation of a man and the position is even more enjoyable. All that is required is that the man lie on the bed and the woman to be on top. Of course, you also get a visual scene, but more than that helps delay ejaculation in two main ways.

First, it means your body can relax more as stress and tension in other positions may lead to a development problem. Then, with her on top that gives you control over things and lets you focus more on the muscle of the pelvis and be able to push when you feel you are getting closer to orgasm. Just doing this you slow things down considerably, but of course practice really does make perfect in this regard.

The female rider reverse sex position

women on top in sex
women on top in sex

Tips to Stay Long Sex On Bed

The female cyclist reverse is another key to help delay ejaculation and, again, it’s still very nice position. The position is just the opposite of the previous position as man remains flat on the bed and the woman is on top. However, the difference this time is that the woman is facing away from the man.

The benefits to this are exactly the same position in which man can still be completely relaxed and focus solely on how excited they are, while women can take control of things and still get the same amount of pleasure. There is also the simple fact that you can still squeeze the pelvic muscle whenever you need it as well and no doubt you will get used to the feeling of building things and then control your orgasm last longer with Nightking Sex Delay Liquid.

শুরু করার জন্য আপনি – আপনি আর বিছানায় শেষ করতে চান, তাই যদি হয়, তাহলে ঐ দুটি অবস্থানের (“কমান্ড দ্বারা উল্লাসধ্বনি উপর Nightking Sex Delay সেক্স বিলম্ব অবশ্যই” যেমন আরো আপনি খুঁজে পেতে পারেন উপদেশ). আমরা বলেছেন, যে শ্রোণী পেশী নিয়ন্ত্রণ লিঙ্গ এলাকা এবং কাজ এর underside উপর কম চাপ যে অবস্থানের উপর ফোকাস. এই কাজ করে, আপনি আত্মবিশ্বাস লাভ করে এবং আপনি অকাল উল্লাসধ্বনি থেকে সহন কেবল কারণ আপনি অতীতের ছিল হতে পারে যে যৌন জীবন নতুন আনন্দে আবিষ্কার করবে.


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