Vagina Tightening Procedure

Restore Vagina walls after vaginal childbirth

As women we hope that we can experience love and pleasure with our partner. We worry sometimes if everything “down there” is OK! Let’s face it… we have all thought it! Am I too loose down there? I had this experience one and realized there had to be something to do about it!

Things used to be this way, I investigated the clock on “how to maintain their tight vagina” and this was the height of my humiliation and anxiety. I constantly heard from my friends on how to enjoy sex and how their partners enjoy. I was scared that I might never enjoy my love life, but of course that was over exaggerating but still had those thoughts.

restore vaginal walls
how to back your virginity

How to:

I can understand how infuriating it can get searching website after website and every website gives you the same cradle-song titles “safe surgery” “no side effects” “try our new organic product” and etc. Fact is that you will waste your money with most of these products because they will either pitch you “surgery” or they will try selling you a product which they will claim to be natural but will be filled with harmful chemicals.

From experience I have learned ways to deal with this problem and that is why I write about this topic for others to find a quick and easy solution. Let me explain to you natural ways to deal with this.

Keeping Your Vagina Tight Naturally

Before I talk how to keep your vagina tight let us first understand that why does it lose its constriction in the first place?

Why Does Our Vagina Lose Tightness

Aging– First of all sex will not make your vagina less tight, age on the other hand is a big factor and you will lose your tightness with old age. There is nothing anyone can do about age. But thankfully there is a solution only tightening vagina again tongkat ajimat madura stick.
Childbirth– Although post-partum does re-tighten the vagina but if you have more than one child than your vagina will lose its tightness. It is a natural process and a side effect of labor. That does not apply with young women though; women in their teens can have their vaginas back to their natural tightness after post-partum usually within 6-7months after delivery.

tightening vagina again
Now that you understand why your vagina gets looser, let us now discuss how to make it tight again.

How Can I Keep My Vagina As Tight As IT Use To Be?

I tried several techniques during my experience in searching for the appropriate solution. The only thing you need is patience so keep on reading.

Do You Like Orgasms?

Yeah! Off course, during orgasms your pelvic muscles are engaged in contraction, this will make your vaginal muscles stronger and hence your vagina will start to tighten. Also your orgasms will also get stronger with your pelvic muscles and that is a great bonus.

Vagina Tightening with Kegels Exercise

Kegels are pelvic exercises which are intended to remedy vaginal ampleness. When coupled with orgasms they both balance each other and will help you give better orgasms. You will need to do them every day if you want them to work.

Tongkat Ajimat Madura Stick – Vagina Tightening Naturally

Ajimat Madura Stick or Tongkat Ajimat madura india are small herbal stick that you can put in your vagina; this is a great way to make your pelvic muscles stronger by keeping can tight and contracted. Just like kegels the Ajimat Madura Stick should be used frequently for them to have a noticeable effect.


how to use vagina tightening cream

How It Works Tongkat Ajimat Madura Stick or Cream

Unlike anything else on the market, Vagina tightening cream active ingredient, Manjakani Extract is one of the most powerful astringent herbs known to man.

Its incredible astringency allows it to aid in firming and tightening the muscles of the vaginal wall, improving both muscle tone and elasticity while also reducing that annoying vaginal discharge that causes bad odor.
The star of Vagina tightening cream formula is truly a super-powerful wonder herb and could help to:

  1. Restore Vaginal Tone and Tightness
  2. Keep your entire body slim and toned
  3. Tighten stomach muscles
  4. Regulate Menstrual Cycles and Ease Cramps
  5. Eliminate Vaginal Discharge, itching, and Odors
  6. Manjakani Extract has been used for centuries to help women who have just given birth to regain their natural vaginal strength.

Feel confident about having sex again with a tighter, more enjoyable, and even cleaner vaginal area.

Let Ajimat Madura Stick start working for you, and in a matter of minutes, you could feel your vaginal walls start to tighten, reducing years of wear and instilling reborn confidence back into your sex life, also use Nightking for last longer sex time.

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